mozilla reps mozilla reps mozilla reps

Saturday, February 14, 2015

JUST FSA Training

In 24 jan 2015 me and rep manaf algharaibeh organized the JUST fsa training  along with other members of mozilla jordan community , the event is an extensive training for the Firefox student ambassador of Jordan university of science and technology on the different subjects and projects of Mozilla . The aim is to have ambassadors that are effective and participate in Mozilla projects and also to activate the club in their uni and continue recruiting and working .

raining subject : 1- About Mozilla 2- community building 3- localization 4- webmaker 5-womoz 6-Firefox OS app development 7- planning the next 3 events .

Monday, September 29, 2014

FSA Training , getting ready for Mozilla

In 27/9/2014 Mozilla jordan community held a training  for the new FSA of jordan univesrity of since and technology and yarmouk university .
It was not just slides and talks , it was more practical and real work , at the end of the training we had a localization hackthon .
We gave awesome mozilla swags and had a Mozilla cake :D and it was delicious .

sessions :

1-intro to mozilla and community building by wissam alazzam

I talked about what is mozilla and what it stands for , also talked about community building and how we are making an impact on jordan community and the whole world .

2- FSA program , what , when how ? by manaf algharaibeh and mohammed migdadi

manaf talked about the program in general , showed them the structure and the benefits of the program , what king of events they should do and the resources they can use , also migdadi talked about the wiki and demonstrated how to create  and edit pages for their clubs .

3- Webmaker by wissam alazzam and ahmed issa gharaibeh

we talked about webmaker and what it is about , how to participate then we demonstrated how thimble works also popcorn and appmaker .

4- Firefox OS development by ahmed issa gharaibeh

Ahmed showed the FSA how is FFOS is different and better than other mobile OS , demonstrated how to build a simple app for the market .

5- WoMoz by Areej Amer

Areej talked about the program and how important to be part of it and not only for females it's also for males , and i showed my support too for the #Heforshe campaign .

6-Addons by mahmoud qudah 

mahmoud talked about addons and how to program them , where to download them and some cool addone they can use .

7-localization by wissam alazzam

I talked about localization and why we do it in mozilla , some projects they can contribute to and showed them a live demo for translation strings .

8- privacy and security by mohammed migdadi 

migdadi talked about privacy and how it's an important thing in mozilla .

The hachathon 

we did a hachathon for localization , we took the lightning project from locomotion and worked on it .

Finally event planing and lunch

After this long day , every FSA team worked on a plan for their next event in uni then we head to have lunch .

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello world , Hello mozilla

Say hello to my little friend  !

Say hello to my little friend , that's what tony Montana said when trouble makers came knocking on his door !
well say hello to my blog , a fighter that defend the internet and keep it open , a teacher to teach the web and open source , a story teller to tell you about my mozilla adventures .

since this is my first blog post , let me introduce my self :D
my name is wissam alazzam , a mozilla representative from jordan , been a mozillian for almost 2 years , am the sopeksman of mozilla jordan community and a localizer mostly to Arabic also held a dozen of events :D
 i study software engineering and soon will be graduating :D
i love writing short stories , mostly fiction and my book is coming out soon , yaaaay :D

A message in a bottle !

once  i was sitting by my university lake , small lake but really lovely to set by since there is no water in my country , i was wandering my sight around the place throwing my classes and there headache behind me .
I noticed a bottle in the water floating towards me , the first feeling was awesome , i mean i found bottle clearly holding a message ,then a second after i realize it's a joke , but what the heck , it's message in bottle , that is cool .
so i pull it out , open it , and read the message , and it was confirmed , it was a joke , but the thing i want to tell you that  even if you think that something is not real but it feels good , go for it !
Mozilla was no joke , mozilla was real ! a message that i truly feel good to spread it !
I see some justice seeker , am justice seeker , so i team up with mozilla to apply some justice to the world of internet and technology , and it's feels great to do such thing ,so that is why i joined mozilla , it feels good :D