mozilla reps mozilla reps mozilla reps

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello world , Hello mozilla

Say hello to my little friend  !

Say hello to my little friend , that's what tony Montana said when trouble makers came knocking on his door !
well say hello to my blog , a fighter that defend the internet and keep it open , a teacher to teach the web and open source , a story teller to tell you about my mozilla adventures .

since this is my first blog post , let me introduce my self :D
my name is wissam alazzam , a mozilla representative from jordan , been a mozillian for almost 2 years , am the sopeksman of mozilla jordan community and a localizer mostly to Arabic also held a dozen of events :D
 i study software engineering and soon will be graduating :D
i love writing short stories , mostly fiction and my book is coming out soon , yaaaay :D

A message in a bottle !

once  i was sitting by my university lake , small lake but really lovely to set by since there is no water in my country , i was wandering my sight around the place throwing my classes and there headache behind me .
I noticed a bottle in the water floating towards me , the first feeling was awesome , i mean i found bottle clearly holding a message ,then a second after i realize it's a joke , but what the heck , it's message in bottle , that is cool .
so i pull it out , open it , and read the message , and it was confirmed , it was a joke , but the thing i want to tell you that  even if you think that something is not real but it feels good , go for it !
Mozilla was no joke , mozilla was real ! a message that i truly feel good to spread it !
I see some justice seeker , am justice seeker , so i team up with mozilla to apply some justice to the world of internet and technology , and it's feels great to do such thing ,so that is why i joined mozilla , it feels good :D

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