In 27/9/2014 Mozilla jordan community held a training for the new FSA of jordan univesrity of since and technology and yarmouk university .
It was not just slides and talks , it was more practical and real work , at the end of the training we had a localization hackthon .
We gave awesome mozilla swags and had a Mozilla cake :D and it was delicious .
sessions :
1-intro to mozilla and community building by wissam alazzam
I talked about what is mozilla and what it stands for , also talked about community building and how we are making an impact on jordan community and the whole world .
2- FSA program , what , when how ? by manaf algharaibeh and mohammed migdadi
manaf talked about the program in general , showed them the structure and the benefits of the program , what king of events they should do and the resources they can use , also migdadi talked about the wiki and demonstrated how to create and edit pages for their clubs .
3- Webmaker by wissam alazzam and ahmed issa gharaibeh
we talked about webmaker and what it is about , how to participate then we demonstrated how thimble works also popcorn and appmaker .
4- Firefox OS development by ahmed issa gharaibeh
Ahmed showed the FSA how is FFOS is different and better than other mobile OS , demonstrated how to build a simple app for the market .
5- WoMoz by Areej Amer
Areej talked about the program and how important to be part of it and not only for females it's also for males , and i showed my support too for the #Heforshe campaign .
6-Addons by mahmoud qudah
mahmoud talked about addons and how to program them , where to download them and some cool addone they can use .
7-localization by wissam alazzam
I talked about localization and why we do it in mozilla , some projects they can contribute to and showed them a live demo for translation strings .
8- privacy and security by mohammed migdadi
migdadi talked about privacy and how it's an important thing in mozilla .
The hachathon
we did a hachathon for localization , we took the lightning project from locomotion and worked on it .
Finally event planing and lunch
After this long day , every FSA team worked on a plan for their next event in uni then we head to have lunch .